The Mad Professor and his monkey would like to thank all who attended this Saturday's Christmas program. May your snowglobes stay intact and you all have lots of holiday F.U.N.!
We will have our next Saturday story time on January 10, 2009.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snowglobes & mo'
After reading another Christmas-themed story, this Saturday we will continue to decorate the Gulfport Temporary Library and play a couple of F.U.N. games. Afterwards, the Mad Professor will teach how to make your own snow globes!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Deck the Halls with... Hans Christian Andersen, fa la la la, la la la la!
This Saturday the Mad Professor will read from stories by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, including one with a Christmas theme. A game of charades based on another of the stories shall follow. Then, filled with the holiday spirit, we will decorate the Gulfport Temporary Library for Christmas! Apple cider and popcorn will be served.
Special mystery guests will also be present (and fed): (Hint: what is named something but is not really that something, but something else that swims?)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
December Coloring Contest
Here's December's coloring contest picture. Please remember to follow the rules (posted below). Good luck and have F.U.N.!

( Click on the pic to save and print out)

- Contest open to children ages 12 and under.
- Each month, beginning December 2008, one (1) picture will be posted on this webpage as the Picture of the Month. The featured picture will change every month, and new prizes will be awarded each month.
- One (1) entry per person per month, please.
- To enter, print out the Picture of the Month, color it in however you like, and return your entry to the Gulfport Temporary Library for judging.
- Entries can be scanned, attached to e-mail and sent to or you can send your entry (via U.S. Mail) to:
Gulfport Temporary Library Coloring Contest
c/o Gulfport Temporary Library
47 Maples Drive Trailer #1
Gulfport MS 39507
- Be sure to include child's name, age, address, phone number, and e-mail address so that winners may be notified!
- Entries will be judged once a month, and prizes will be awarded monthly.
- Entries will be judged on the basis of creativity.
- Once a month, prizes will be awarded in 2 age categories: ages 5 and under, and ages 6-12.
- Winners will be notified by mail.
- Each winner will win the following prizes for winning contest entries: a Mad Professor Fun Pack, their name printed on an iron-on T-shirt transfer form, and their winning entries posted here on the Gulfport Temporary Library’s Mad Professor’s website!
( Click on the pic to save and print out)
( Click on the pic to save and print out)
- Contest open to children ages 12 and under.
- Each month, beginning December 2008, one (1) picture will be posted on this webpage as the Picture of the Month. The featured picture will change every month, and new prizes will be awarded each month.
- One (1) entry per person per month, please.
- To enter, print out the Picture of the Month, color it in however you like, and return your entry to the Gulfport Temporary Library for judging.
- Entries can be scanned, attached to e-mail and sent to or you can send your entry (via U.S. Mail) to:
Gulfport Temporary Library Coloring Contest
c/o Gulfport Temporary Library
47 Maples Drive Trailer #1
Gulfport MS 39507
- Be sure to include child's name, age, address, phone number, and e-mail address so that winners may be notified!
- Entries will be judged once a month, and prizes will be awarded monthly.
- Entries will be judged on the basis of creativity.
- Once a month, prizes will be awarded in 2 age categories: ages 5 and under, and ages 6-12.
- Winners will be notified by mail.
- Each winner will win the following prizes for winning contest entries: a Mad Professor Fun Pack, their name printed on an iron-on T-shirt transfer form, and their winning entries posted here on the Gulfport Temporary Library’s Mad Professor’s website!
( Click on the pic to save and print out)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Gulfport Temporary Library announces its November Coloring Contest Winners!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
No Story Time this Saturday!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tipis and macaroni
Saturday the Mad Professor read "Bring the Deer Back" by Jeffrey Prusski, a story about a young Native American boy who goes out one winter night to hunt a deer.
Afterwards we discussed the Choctaw tribe, who still live in Mississippi, and made macaroni necklaces. Then we got to shoot a turkey target with a bow and arrow.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!
This Saturday the Mad Professor will host a renactment of the 1st Thanksgiving.
Be prepared to be a Pilgrim or Native American (or a turkey)! After reading from some Thanksgiving-themed books, there will be a turkey-stuffing contest (onion provided).
Be prepared to be a Pilgrim or Native American (or a turkey)! After reading from some Thanksgiving-themed books, there will be a turkey-stuffing contest (onion provided).
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Shadow puppet play

This Saturday the Mad Professor will host a shadow play based on some ancient (and not so ancient) folklore. Afterwards, we will bring out the puppets, set up the puppet stage and have a little F.U.N. theater! Afterwards (if there's time) we will go outside to play some three-legged soccer, and maybe even do the Mentos/ Diet Coke thing.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Guess who?
Saturday the Mad Professor & co will have a ghoulish time with the Goosebump series by R. L. Stine! Popcorn will be provided.
Afterwards we shall carve/paint jack-o-lanterns.
Come join us for some F.U.N.
Have you voted for my monkey yet?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monkey see, monkey do, monkey makes...bananas in a can?!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Gulfport Temporary Library announces its Coloring Contest Rules!
- Contest open to children ages 12 and under.
- Each month, beginning December 2008, one (1) picture will be posted on this webpage as the Picture of the Month. The featured picture will change every month, and new prizes will be awarded each month.
- One (1) entry per person per month, please.
- To enter, print out the Picture of the Month, color it in however you like, and return your entry to the Gulfport Temporary Library for judging.
- Entries can be scanned, attached to e-mail and sent to or you can send your entry (via U.S. Mail) to:
Gulfport Temporary Library Coloring Contest
c/o Gulfport Temporary Library
47 Maples Drive Trailer #1
Gulfport MS 39507
- Be sure to include child's name, age, address, phone number, and e-mail address so that winners may be notified!
- Entries will be judged once a month, and prizes will be awarded monthly.
- Entries will be judged on the basis of creativity.
- Once a month, prizes will be awarded in 2 age categories: ages 5 and under, and ages 6-12.
- Winners will be notified by mail.
- Each winner will win the following prizes for winning contest entries: a Mad Professor Fun Pack, their name printed on an iron-on T-shirt transfer form, and their winning entries posted
here on the Gulfport Temporary Library’s Mad Professor’s website!
Have F.U.N.! Here's the first coloring page!
( Click on the pic to save and print out)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Boxcar adventure
Much fun was had Saturday! We made a tent for the boxcar after reading the first book of the Boxcar series. Then, while enjoying bread, cookies and some milk, we "watched" a couple of Tumblereadables. Then... Silly String! Stay tuned for what's happening next Saturday...ooooooooooooo! Hint: it'll be scaarry!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Boxcar Children Adventure
This Saturday excerpts from Getrude Chandler Warner's beloved series "The Boxcar Children" will be read. Afterwards, part of the Gulfport Temporary Library will be turned into a boxcar!
Also, the Mad Professor will introduce those attending to Tumblebooks, which the Harrison County Library System is currently using on a free trial basis. For the link click here.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Columbus Day at the Gulfport Temporary Library
The Columbus Day celebration on Saturday was lots of F.U.N.!
The Mad Professor brought his half-finished model of the Santa Maria (with working lights in the captain's and crew quarters).
Two books about Columbus were read and discussed, including "Follow the Dream" by Peter Sis.
Then we built some boats out of old file folders, straws and construction paper. Afterwards a boat race was held outside in the Mad Professor's inflatable pond.
Story time ended with a literal bang of Diet coke and mentos!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Columbus Day October 13, 2008
Come celebrate Columbus Day at the Gulfport Temporary Library!
Saturday 11 October the Mad Professor is staging a reenactment of Columbus' discovery of the New World!
There will be many hats to wear and pages to color. Where there is color, Silly String is sure to follow!
Monkey wants to know if anyone knows his name yet!
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Children took turns reading from the Library Bill of Rights, and drew their version of Mr Silverstein's "Eight Balloons". Much fun was had by all afterwards as balloons popped while the Mad Professor recited the poem. Even more fun was watching, after a lot of teamwork, Krakatoa explode once again (thanks to a lot of red-dyed vinegar and some baking soda).
In lieu of Silly String, whipper ( a kind of one-ended jump rope) and tuggle (a tug-of-war on buckets)- Dinotopian games suggested by author and illustrator James Gurney, were played with much enthusiasm. Even the Mad Professor got in on the F.U.N.!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Banned Book Week

The Mad Professor celebrates Banned Books Week!
To celebrate this event, this Saturday (4 Oct 2008) the Mad Professor will read from the Library Bill of Rights. An audio reading follows from Shel Silverstein himself of his poetry book"Light in the Attic".
Illustrated booklets will be made of Mr Silverstein's poem "Eight Balloons". Afterwards the poem will be acted out. Balloons will be popped!
Then we shall read from the Newbery Award-winning book, "Twenty-One Balloons" by William Penè du Bois in which the explosion of Krakatoa will be re-enacted!
Monkey says don't forget the Silly String!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
If you're happy and you know it (clap your hands)
... And so we begin. Today is the start date of the Mad Professor's blog for the Gulfport Temporary Library. Aren't you excited?
I, for one, sure am. This site will have links to lots of kewl stuff, including stuff suggested by my monkey.
For starters though, a little about the Gulfport Temporary Library.
If you don't already know, we're located at
47 Maples Drive
Trailer #1
Gulfport MS 39507
tel 228-871-7171
On the web (main site):
Our hours: Mon- Wed 9-6
Thurs-Fri 9-5
Sat 10-2
Story time hours: Mon 10-11 (for children ages 2-5)
Sat 9-10 (for children ages 6-12)
I, for one, sure am. This site will have links to lots of kewl stuff, including stuff suggested by my monkey.
For starters though, a little about the Gulfport Temporary Library.
If you don't already know, we're located at
47 Maples Drive
Trailer #1
Gulfport MS 39507
tel 228-871-7171
On the web (main site):
Our hours: Mon- Wed 9-6
Thurs-Fri 9-5
Sat 10-2
Story time hours: Mon 10-11 (for children ages 2-5)
Sat 9-10 (for children ages 6-12)
mad professor,
story time
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